October 25th, 2017

Forest Hill ECEs: Kelly, Melissa and Jenn
At Waterloo Region District School Board we believe that early childhood learning sets children up for success. “Research shows that early learning has long-term benefits for a child’s academic and social skills. It can also improve your child’s reading, writing and math skills—in school and in life,” said Elaine Ranney, superintendent for student achievement and well-being.
October 25th marks Child Care Workers and Early Childhood Educators Appreciation Day. This is a day in which we celebrate the skills, commitment and dedication of early childhood educators. Teachers and early childhood educators work together in our schools to help children succeed in reaching their potential. Early childhood educators also play an important role in our before and after school care programs that provide parents and guardians with accessible, high quality child care.
Early childhood educators have knowledge of early childhood development, observation and assessment. They bring a focus on age-appropriate program planning that promotes each child’s physical, cognitive, language, emotional, social and creative development.
Please join us today in celebrating the important work that early childhood educators contribute to the learning and wellness of our students.