It is hard to believe that we are already in to the middle of October! Thanks to our students, staff, and school community for supporting a smooth transition back to school! Our staff and students are working hard to create a very positive learning environment for all members of our learning community. Students have embraced and are practicing our common language and expectations around appropriate behaviour. We are proud to say that Ayr Bears C.A.R.E.!! Cooperation, Accountability, Respect, and Empathy are the key components of our common language and we are working together each day to reinforce and grow in these areas.

Communication is very important in building effective partnerships. We value the ongoing support and partnership of our parents and our school community. School Day will continue to be our primary source of sharing information about our school and upcoming events with our families. Periodic website updates will also occur for sharing information with the greater school community. Many staff are also using very effective social media tools (twitter, seesaw, etc.) for sharing timely information.

Thank you for all of your support as we work together to support the needs of every student at Ayr Public School.

Mike Coates